
New System Japanese (Chinese/English Edition) (PC only)

Lesson 1 - 20.pdf

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The explanations are given in Chinese and English.
説明: 中国語(繁体字)及び英語

中国語・英語版(第1課~第20課)Chinese and English edition (Lesson 1 - 20) [本文: かな  説明: 中国語・英語  教師用マニュアル:日本語]
すでに10万人以上の学習者が学び、250社以上の企業研修に使われ、効果は実証済みです。 JLPT合格が格段に早くなる、シンプルな教授法。 動詞の活用を一括導入する方法(特許第1789123号)なので、従来の方法の3~5倍の速さで日本語の基礎がマスターできます。どんな場面にも応用できる体系的学習法です。
音声/Sounds: https://newsystemjapanese.wixsite.com/patented/blank-1
“New System Japanese” is the patented Japanese learning method. The method and the textbooks has been used in major Japanese language schools, more than 250 reputable companies and government departments in Singapore and many Japanese language schools, universities and educational institutes in the world. This is the right method if you wish to learn the language systematically rather than rote memorization. It gives you a very solid foundation and at the same time requires less effort and time to learn. Using this revolutionary program (Japan Patent No. 1780123) you will find the lessons increasingly less difficult as you progress towards the advanced stage. Only with ”New System Japanese” you can enjoy and master basic Japanese in such a short time.

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